These are my links for December 15th through December 16th:
A significant update for the TBSM XML Toolkit is available. Performance has been greatly improved with the TADDM-TBSM integration. README here. DOWNLOAD here.
TBSM 4.2.1 IF2 is an accumulative fix for the toolkit that supersedes the toolkit portion of TBSM 4.2.1 FP2. This interim fix includes several fixes, but three are worth noting:
– Previous iterations of the toolkit used Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager (TADDM) relationships that were generated by the TADDM explicitrel command. These relationships were expensive to build and their generation was mutually exclusive with TADDM discoveries. This interim fix removes the use of these relationships.
– Significant performance improvements with import times have been achieved by using a combination of direct SQL queries to the TADDM database and the invocation of the TADDM API’s to retrieve instance data.
– A new tool, crviewer, is packaged with this interim fix. The crviewer provides a means of viewing the data that was imported by the toolkit. Importing includes both books and TADDM data. The information provided by this tool will be helpful when updating the toolkit XML customization files
These are my links for December 8th through December 9th: