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Interesting Links for January 5th

in General

Links that I have found interesting for January 5th:

  • Developers not needed to build this dashboard – A vendor of a tool for building dashboards uses a collaborative workflow creation process and incorporates required functionality into wizards to eliminate the need for developers.

    The primary goal of Dundas Dashboard is to let IT staff and business users rapidly develop and deploy dashboards without having to invest in additional resources, said Alexander Chiang, product manager with Toronto-based Dundas Data Visualization Inc.

    The idea is that a collaborative role-based workflow will allow people with specific expertise across the enterprise to contribute to the building process. Database administrators can work on connecting underlying data sources, business analysts define the key performance indicators, “and, we are opening it up to business users to design the dashboards,” said Chiang.

    The workflow is designed in three major steps: connecting underlying data, finding KPIs, and designing the dashboard. “You need IT staff but you don’t necessarily need a developer,” said Chiang.

  • Cloud computing: The next wave in IT – Business Service Management (BSM) solutions for cloud computing give IT organizations the control, visibility, and assurance they need to automate and manage highly dynamic, virtualized cloud computing environments. This approach is helping enterprises and service providers realize the potential of cloud computing. BSM is a comprehensive approach and unified platform for running IT.

    Fundamental to what "makes" a cloud is very often the management technology. The enabling underlying infrastructure of a cloud solution is often built on top of a commodity server, a layer of virtualization technology, and then on top of that is the management capability.

  • Nastel Extends Business Transaction Management to Social Networking – “In today's evolving IT landscape where Cloud Computing is finding more proponents, this technology is especially valuable,” said Charley Rich, Nastel’s VP of Marketing and Product Management. “The creators of the cloud can create generic alerting mechanisms without being constrained by the current state of the art for viewing alerts. Over time, as better tools proliferate, the cloud subscribers will be able to take advantage of them. This new capability brings together the responsiveness of social networking with cloud computing and application performance management.
  • Net Management and the Cloud – EMA has just recently completed the data gathering phase of our Responsible Cloud research initiative, and there are some interesting results around the roles being played by network management and networking teams in terms of cloud management and operations.

    While much of the focus on the cloud is on the application platforms, virtualized systems, and storage, accessible remotely as a packaged service, there are also big questions about the role that networking will play.

  • Enterprise Cloud Computing Requires Service-Level Discipline – Forging Successful Agreements Based on Quality of Experience

    For business and IT to be successful, a new agreement framework is required. This new agreement framework focuses on striking the proper balance of QoE that is realized through a combination of SLAs, Operational Level Agreements (OLAs), and a new agreement type, the Execution Level Agreement (ELA).