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Interesting Links for March 20th

in General

Links that I have found interesting for March 20th:

  • BSM Defined: What It Is and Should Never Be – BSM as a Guide

    Remember that BSM exists only to guide ITSM. This is a critical point. BSM provides the guidance required to help biz and IT executives overcome substantial obstacles. Also remember that BSM is not a product-set but rather a mind-set. BSM is managing IT strategy in order to lead IT operations. As such, BSM has little direct cost, and a significant inv in tools is often not required for success with BSM. However, improvement projects uncovered by BSM techniques often point out the need for training, consulting, improved mgt controls, software, hardware, etc. In short, the major investment in BSM comes at the end of its process and will be justified in biz terms by that time.

    BSM builds a stronger org that matches the service provided to the present and future needs of the biz and provides services in the most cost-effective manner. Both of these actions will improve the standing of IT within the biz and improve both the competitive adv and bottom line of the biz.