Links that I have found interesting for October 20th:
- Integrien Files Four Patents for Real-Time Performance Analytics – extend Integrien’s four existing patent filings in the development of a new mathematical foundation for analyzing IT performance data to enable the prediction of performance and availability problems in complex IT systems.
“Recently, we’ve begun to see claims from traditional systems management vendors of ‘predictive analytics.’ However, the underlying foundation of these technologies is based on standard statistical methods and techniques,” said Dr. Mazda Marvasti, CTO of Integrien. “Through our experience with live customer environments, we have learned that these standard methods are inapplicable to IT data and that a new foundation is required to make sense of such data. These patent filings represent the latest work in the development of this foundation, without which, real-time, predictive analytics for IT performance data is not possible.”
* This is a great PR!! SMACK! Don't we have even one patent laying around that could put us in the predictive/proactive space?? *
- Tideway’s CEO on the Green Data Center – the new key metric is “performance-per-watt,” and there is plenty of scope to improve it. The problem is the people, processes and systems required to drive this initiative forward are seriously lagging behind. A research program on best practices set up by the EPA has only 54 volunteers. Most data center administrators are nowhere close to knowing what’s running on which servers in their data centers. That makes adoption of more efficient hardware and co-locating software programs on a single box through virtualization risky, slow and arduous.