You might be surprised to discover how effectively a dashboard can be designed using Excel, when enriched with MicroCharts, which adds sparklines and bullet graphs to Excel’s library of charts. These dashboards were designed for actual use.
Displaying many disparate Banking Key Performance Indicators, and designed as the basis for the Management review of business performance, it truly achieves More Information per Pixel.
InfoCaptor is a dashboard Designer, BI reporting and documentation tool. It is an all purpose Dashboarding tool suitable for Data-warehouse projects, Project Management Dashboards, Executive Dashboards and any kind of Database Reporting.
examples of actual modeling projects that have been completed using WebSphere® Business Modeler. They represent a cross-section of industries, containing many elements and processes that are familiar to industry insiders.
supplementary tutorials and sample modeling projects to introduce you to more advanced modeling constructs, elements, and potential methods that you might use to create the projects for your own business or organization.