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The folks over at RSSBus have taken a few more covers off of thier RSSBus product. I’ve played around with the RSSBus Desktop Server some now and continue to believe in the potential it has in many of the areas I write about in this blog, especially enabling the “average person” to publish events for consumption by business rules, event and visualization solutions. I’m very excited about the ability to suck metrics, kpi/kpm, etc. out of all those BASS out there!

Check out RSSBus here and download their public beta here. Read the whitepaper, it’s really good.

They’re keeping a blog here where you can follow the product’s progress. I’ve had private email exhanges with their CEO Gent Hito about their plans for the product. They plan to keep parts of it free and are considering open source for parts. Reach out and encourage them to consider this!