FireScope’s countdown excitement was revealed today (a little bit late š ) and their next steps in Business Service Management innovation are now visible. It appears that there will be a 28 day launch cycle of numerous new products and tools.
FireScope’s Business Edition (BE) concept consists of a couple key components aimed as initial entry points for smaller enterprises. The fuller featured Enterprise Editions (EE) are the natural migration paths or starting point for larger enterprises. Pricing modelers are available right on their website.
Some of the “coming soon” tools looks like it puts them in company with PacketTrap and SolarWinds. FireScope BSM:BE and CMDB:BE puts them in company with Nimsoft and Managed Objects.
Optimized for the unique needs of small to medium sized businesses and starting at only $2,450, FireScope BSM:BE features an engaging and user-friendly interface and flexible auto discovery provides rapid time to competency, with multiple setup wizards and inline help designed to make implementation accessible for any level of user.
FireScope CMDB:Business-Edition delivers the same enterprise-grade functionality as traditional CMDBās, minus the exhorbitant price tag and pain inducing deployment. For less than $10,000, IT Organizations gain real-time visualization and documentation of their infrastructure along with a complete view of the interrelationships of the software and systems impacting those operations, without the need to hire an army of consultants and mind-numbing planning sessions.
Hmm, the free trial download isn’t available to me yet. Anyone else?
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